45 winning entries are announced! “South by Bay Area” Digital Art Competition creates a global digital art feast

di Wang Xinxin

In Shenzhen, a city of innovation, a feast of digital art – “South by Bay Area” digital art competition is slowly coming to an end.

This competition is one of the key projects of the “South by Bay Area” digital Creative season series jointly organized by Shenzhen Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism and Sports, Shenzhen Longgang District People’s Government, Caixin Media and Huawei Cloud.

With the support of National Cultural Industry Innovation Experimental Zone, National Cultural Science and Technology Innovation Service Alliance, as well as the meticulous organization of Shenzhen Longgang District Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism and Sports, and Shenzhen Longgang Digital Creative Industry Corridor Management Center, the competition was launched in September 2023, attracting many digital artists and teams from all over the world to join in the creation. A total of more than 1,000 excellent entries were collected from 17 countries, including China, the United States, Japan, Britain, France and Russia.

These works cover many fields such as outdoor large-screen video art, building art projection, digital art installation, virtual human skin, and immersive cultural travel industry practice cases, which not only show the leading academic practice in the digital art industry, but also show the unique charm and innovative spirit of digital art.

This competition has two tracks: creation competition and case competition. The creative competition works include virtual character skin, indoor digital visual creation, outdoor large-screen display creation and wall and floor projection art creation. The work directions of the case competition include wall projection art cases, digital installation art cases, digital immersion cases and digital cultural and tourism integration cases, showing the innovation achievements in the field of digital art, reflecting the close combination of art and industrial application.

In the end, a jury team composed of experts and professors from many domestic art colleges and universities and industry institutions conducted professional evaluation from the dimensions of artist potential, creative design, scene application and commercial value, and selected a total of 45 winning works from China, Russia, Spain, Italy, Britain, France, Argentina, Japan and other countries and regions. Among them, there are 30 creative competitions and 15 case competitions.

For the winning works, the organizer will arrange to participate in the “Screen with the Master” unit in the “Open Screen Action” digital Art Exhibition, another important activity of the “South by Bay Area” digital creative season series. Together with the works of several digital art masters at home and abroad specially invited, they will be displayed on the same screen with large and small screens such as the outdoor large-screen “City Exhibition” in Shenzhen, the “Dafen Exhibition” in Dafen Art Museum, and the “Permanent Exhibition” in Longgang Digital Creative Industry Corridor Exhibition Center. At the same time, the official award will be presented at the opening ceremony of the “South by Bay Area” digital creative season on November 22. At that time, citizens can stop and watch when passing through Shenzhen Airport or Longcheng Vanke Li, Longgang Xinghe COCO Park, Wanda Plaza and other business districts, or go to Dafen Art Museum and Longgang Digital Creative Industry Corridor Exhibition Center to experience the unique charm of the most cutting-edge digital art achievements!

Looking ahead, the “South by Bay Area” Digital Art Competition will create more immersive, interactive and experiential digital art new scenes and new Spaces, and continue to lead the development and progress of digital art with innovative perspectives and thinking. It is believed that the establishment of this brand competition will continue to inject new vitality into the digital art world and inspire more wonderful works and creativity.

List of winners


Creative track

Most Promising Artist Award (6 winners) :


Liu Guiyu works “Co-existence: It Is an Individual and a Community”

Bute Island by Liu Sihan

The Art of Mind by Su Yongjian

THE MAN by Tian Muhui

Zhu Jiali’s work “Dream into the Lin Palace”

Best Business Potential Award (6 winners) :

“We ¹ Humans ² on ³ Mars ⁴” by WHOM Digital art team

Immersing Space /Immersive International (UK) 50-50

“Phoenix Nervous” by Gu Ruimeng

Qi Gan Science and technology works “Universe”

Food Garden by Xu Chaofan and Ren Qingqi

Particle Poetry by Makoto Shozu (Japan)

Best Creative Design Award (6 winners) :

“Delicacies /Ambrosia” by ROUBIT STUDIO

TideOdyssey, Project Riverbed by UNITIDE

Fahai Digital Laboratory works “Fahai Temple Mural Digital Museum – Heavy Soul Mirror”

The Beach of Valencia by Chema Siscar Melero (Spain)

“The RUINS” by Qiu Zhexian

Heart Rate by Zhang Muchen

Best Scenario Application Award (12 winners) :

BIFT SHOW 2023 by DBS Team

Vitrina by Phormatik Studio (Bulgaria)

Robots by Ari Dykier /Ari Dykier (Poland)

“Staligmite” by Bink Walstra (Netherlands)

FIBERCUBE MARK II by Fabio Volpi (Italy)

Falling Into the Bay Area by Hu Qingya

Machine Apocalypse 2023 by Liu Jiayu

“Shape Shifting” by Rupert Newman (UK)

“Staring at the Wall” by Mariano Sardo (Argentina)

Worms of Light by Meng Songlin

Micro Sound by Qiu Yu

Chasing the Forest by Wang Yikun


Case course

Most Promising Artist Award (3 winners) :


“From Here, to There” by Living Light Studio

Liu Fang Team, Wu Hongliang team work “Chicken smell parents Heart”

Best Scenario Application Award (3 winners) :

Shenzhen Gewu Interactive Cultural Communication Co., LTD. “Mechanical Star Alliance · Future East”

“EXODUS” by Victor Polyakov/Russia

“Mapping LUX ANIMAE” by Yann Nguema (France)

Best Cross-border Integration Award (3 winners) :

Ji Tie’s work “Zhuanglang County Digital Cultural Resource Platform Construction Project Case Based on Regional Cultural Characteristics”

Kong Ching-wai /Harry Hung (Hong Kong, China) “Flower Rhyme”

Carbon – Micro Documentary by Lin Wanshan

Most Commercial Value Award (6 winners) :

“Algorithm Color Pool” by INCAL Team

Night Tour of Jinjiang by Chengdu Jiuyu Cultural Tourism Development Co., LTD.

Huashan Migrotto Tourism Development Co., LTD. “Huashan World”

Shanghai Linjie Advertising Co., LTD. Work “Virtual person Lin Jiayi debut TVC”

Shenzhen Light Centennial Technology Co., LTD. Work “Golden Wonderful Night”

Zhangjiajie Dayong Ancient City Development Co., LTD. Work “Meet Dayong”