Two FIKULT athletes at the World Championships of Kyrgyz Kurosh and Hapsagai in Bishkek

A week with two major sporting events in the field of Traditional Wrestling, from 21 to 26 August 2024 in Bishkek, capital of the Kyrgyz Republic, a central Asian country admired for the spectacular beauty of its mountains and lakes. First the world championships of KYRGYZ KUROSH, a belt wrestling free style that is national sport of the host country, organized by the International Kyrgyz Kurosh Federation and sponsored by the Ministry of Sports, then those of HAPSAGAI, traditional wrestling of Yakutia, organized by the Hapsagai International Federation. Italy will be represented by the Traditional Wrestling Italian Federation (FIKULT) with two athletes of great experience international competition: Gabriele Galluccio of the Polisportiva Sacca di Modena, and Federico Zardo of the Pride Gym of Santarcangelo di Romagna. Founded in 2014 by Vittorio Giorgi, lawyer and sports manager, current president, FIKULT has over 50 international competitions and recently signed a collaboration agreement with A.S.I (Italian Sports and Social Associations), one of the most important sports promotion bodies recognized by the Italian Olympic Committee.