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Autonomia differenziata, il ministro Calderoli incontra le parti sociali in regione,...

La visita del ministro Calderoli in Regione Lombardia per presentare la ricetta di autonomia differenziata è occasione per la Uil di esprimere un giudizio...

“Three waves” of the development of the electoral legislation of the...

by Akmal Saidov, First Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Chamber Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan “One of the most important socio-political events of...

New notary – serves to improve the image of new Uzbekistan.

In 2016, Sh. Mirziyoyev was elected as the President of independent Uzbekistan, and one of the first laws adopted by him was the "The...

The Pathway of reforms in Uzbekistan: preliminary conclusions.

a cura dell'Ambasciata dell'Uzbekistan in Italia by Eldor TULYAKOV Executive Director of the Development Strategy Center Uzbekistan’s reform agenda’s sudden trajectory focusing on political and socio-economic development...

Judicial and Legal reform in Uzbekistan: 10 important steps in 2020.

a cura dell'Ambasciata dell'Uzbekistan in Italia Eldor Tulyakov, Executive Director “Development Strategy” Center,   Nilufar Nodirkhonova, Head of Department “Development Strategy” Center   It is not surprising that the new Uzbekistan's strategically...



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